Creative Production

From Concept to Deliverables

Client: Canon USA

Project: Product Launch
Photographer: Andrew Lipovsky

Deliverables: 50 Still Images & Two 45 Second Videos with music over two shoot days

My team and I were approached by a marketing agency to aid in print & video assets for two new product launches. This project was a triple bid that needed to include a concept, creative deck, and detailed budget to pitch to the client to best showcase their new products. The products needed to be shown being used in high-speed scenarios for both the amateur's and professional market. The final proposal offered three scenario concepts options for each product along with a detailed timeline, treatment, and casting suggestions.

We landed on skateboarders (semi-pro) and motocross riders (professional). This allowed us to have two contrasting locations (urban vs rural). Even with a modest budget, we were able to find and travel to specialized locations outside of NYC without going over budget. From approved budget/concept to shoot, we had only one week to produce two days on on-location shooting. This included confirming location management, travel, creative hiring, and specialized talent casting (professional skateboarders and motocross riders). In order to save costs for the client, wardrobe & props were directly handled by our team. From shoot to deliverables, we also had 2 weeks for post-production. This included retouching 50 stills & editing two videos with music. Post production was handled completely in-house by me and my team.

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For the skateboarders concept, I obtained all the permits for commercial photography through the NYC Parks Department and Mayors Office of Film. This insured that even our small crew with minimal lighting would not be interrupted by any parks department officers. The cost of a permit highly outweighs the possible lost cost of not being able to finish a shot in a preferred location, and I always insist on this line-item for any location photoshoot.


By the end of the production we were able to come in well under budget for the client, and deliver all images and videos in a timely manner.


Staying Local


Bidding to Billing